
5 Health Benefits of Sex

May 28, 2016

People have sex for a number of reasons - physical pleasure, emotional connection, and as an expression of love. Now you can add overall health to the list. Here I'd like to outline some of the health benefits of sex.

1. Aerobic Exercise. While number of calories burned during sex will depend on how vigorous and long the session, there is no doubt that you'll be burning more calories than if you were just sitting in front of the TV. And let's be honest, it is a lot more fun than lacing up the sneakers and going to the gym. So go ahead and unlace the sneakers, and hit the bed instead of the tread. 

2. Stress Relief. Too much stress can lead to a number of health problems - increased cortisol (which can lead to weight gain), high blood pressure, and depleted immune system function to name a few. The chemicals released during sex may combat those released as a result of stress. People who have sex on regularly have been shown to have lower blood pressure 
and better responses to stressful situations. Studies have also shown that women report a more elevated mood if they had sex the previous night. While a little neck massage may go a long way in helping relieve stress, see if your partner may be willing to take it a step further. You'll both benefit! 

3. Pain Reduction. Endorphins form a group of substances produced in the body that naturally relieve pain. Some research suggests that endorphins are released during orgasm. In addition to the benefits of endorphins, many women report that having an orgasm helps relieve menstrual cramps. This may be due to the contraction and release of the pelvic floor muscles during orgasm. So next time you hear, "not tonight dear, I have a headache," you can reply with, "all the more reason!" 

4. Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength. During orgasm, in both men and women, the pelvic floor muscles contract and relax. It is this motion that you try to replicate when you do Kegel exercises. Having a weak pelvic floor can result in problems with urinary incontinence, constipation, and even painful intercourse. Mondays may be dedicated to upper body, Tuesdays to lower body, but try dedicating a day to working out this important muscle group. 

5. Sleep improvement. Oxytocin, the chemical released as a result of orgasm has many health benefits, one of with is sleepiness! In addition to making you feel more connected to your partner, oxytocin may help you sleep. Whether you're the big spoon or the little spoon, snuggle up to your partner and drift into some post-coital shuteye.

5 Health Benefits of Sex